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l was impressed to do a painting called blessings, though l have experience dreamstate visitation from figure l knew it was Jesus, (another experience). I pasted in a paranormal site l am moderator on, with christmas, the owner had not seen it, before, she said it look like a friend who passed away in tragic circumstances in the usa, the lady look very much like her.
The second drawing is, an oil painting of a elderly gentleman cat, who lived with him in a residential home where my elderly mum lives. I thought it would be nice to do so, as he befr

vernons cat
iended mum, though he had a stroke which he cannot speak proper, he is a lovely man of 94 yrs. I had it framed, l was going to take it next week when l was going to visit mum but something told me to take it the day l got it frame, this was on friday: by the wednesday the cat had to be put to sleep as it was 17yrs old and poorly. l am sure that spirit impressed to do the painting, and giving it to him, as a lasting image of his beloved cat. The home has put in on the wall in his room, bless him. l do hope you like these works of art xx god bless lindann xx
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