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Regression to Life-Between-Lives (LBL) is a technique developed by Dr. Michael Newton and is described in his books, Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls. These books summarise Dr. Newton's findings with clients who have been hypnotised into a super-conscious state where it is possible to "see" into the spirit world. Based upon his hypnotic regressions with over 7,000 LBL clients, Dr. Newton has described a realm of spirit which is consistent with, yet far more elaborated, than that found in the NDE and OBE literature. His writings are among the most significant, in terms of both the depth and inspiration, of any you will find in the metaphysical and spiritual literature regarding the Path of the Soul and life after death. Dr. Newton writes in the Conclusions to Journey of Souls,
"To those readers who find the material offered in this book too unprecedented to accept, I would hope for one thing. If you carry away nothing except the idea you have a permanent identity worth finding, I will have accomplished a great deal."
LBL Therapy is available with Reverend Colin Stallard 01702 432186
[email protected]
Publisher Comments
In this groundbreaking book, 29 subjects under hypnosis reveal graphic details about how it feels to die, what the spirit world is really like, where the soul goes and what it does there, why souls come back in certain bodies, how to recognize soul mates, and much more. They confirm the existence of an immortal soul whose journey between lives confers meaning on our earthly existence.
In this controversial yet inspiring investigation of the big question we all face at one point or another--"What happens after we die?"--Newton opens cases from his private practice in which he hypnotically regressed his clients to a point between lives--after death, but before birth.
Review from Amazon purchaser
Reviewer: J. Leeming "enigma"
Quote from book - "...My work here is intended for good. By questioning your discipline, I wish to add my knowledge of healing and bring people closer to the higher creative power available within themselves. My larger mission is to combat the fear of death by offering people understanding about the nature of their souls and spiritual home..."
Michael Newton writes this book, `Journey Of Souls' with rather pleasing and interesting plot, that plot being what happens to souls after their human host has died,
and before they are born again.
If you believe in the spirit world, this book is for you in that it will fill in many gaps you might have regarding this subject. If you are new to the subject, then this book is also for you, because after reading you will never look back, wanting to explore more.
Michael Newton has picked only 29 case studies on which to base this book, its format for the most part is in small interviews, but in-between the questions by Michael and the answers by the hypnotised subjects, Michael offers an excellent commentary which goes to great length to aid the reader to better understand the concepts being put forward. These concepts are nothing short of pure excellence in that while reading they educate the reader in more abstract thoughts, and once you start reading you will find it hard to put this book down.
Sceptics to the book's content will find 101 reasons why this book is the workings of imagination, my only argument to this is, if Michael Newton has written this book from imagination, then as well as gifted, he is a thoroughbred genius! Most individuals cannot fault his methodical approach.
Journey of The Souls is one of the best books I have ever read, and I read it in a couple of days it was so good. It comes highly recommended and Journey Of Souls should be on everyone's bookshelf.
Journey of Souls - Buy Here
Destiny of Souls - Buy Here
If you would like to be taken between lives or to a previous life time please visit Colin's website below.
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