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Our mental minds love to evaluate, consider, learn, seeking "knowledge". I feel that my heart-centered self loves to discover, re-member and simply "be". For me, my mental body can easily get stuck on a wheel of seeking, learning. But does this end? Is the mental body capable of be-ing satisfied in simply be-ing? For our "thinker mind", is "what is", ever enough? For me, no.
I am aware of other journeys in which I felt trapped in the mental body for the entire ride. I was perpetual student, not allowing myself the joy of be-ing in the truth that was always with me, with-in me. I was searching endlessly, out there, outside of myself, lost down dead ends and "wrong" turns, all the while "seeking" truth from everywhere but inside of me. This journey is different; my joy is centered in my heart-centered self, my true self that "knows" all is well, even without the mental body's ability to grasp and understand the how's and why's of the magic I choose to allow in my journey.
The vastness of our be-ing, like our universe, cannot be grasped by the human mind. If you choose, you may step into your glory, your sovereignty, your limitless-ness, even if your mental body cannot "understand" this... Be glorious; it suits you quite naturally.
I send you love and blessings as you create your own path, possibly also discovering or re-membering your own frequency of joy.
Jill Renee
Jill is a spiritual teacher, channeler, healer, writer and inspirational figure for many seeking to access their God-self in their current journey. Her awakening process in 2009 amidst the higher frequencies and her soul blueprint offered her ready access to many of her spiritual abilities, sharing them professionally since 2010. Although she a

wakened recently, her energy was well connected with the higher realms throughout her journey, albeit subconsciously. Her spiritual support team is still in the process of sharing with her who she is as a Soul. At this time Jill is aware of several aspects of her Mastery as well as her roles as a Spirit Guide. She is a gateway for bringing in the highest frequencies to Earth and she feels this is a key part of her purpose for being here at this time. She delights in assisting others in re-membering how to "be" in the higher frequencies. She is an example for others in how to bring the New Earth into their personal reality; right here, right now. She sees the highest potential in others, utilizing her access to their Soul's blueprint and insights from their Higher Selves. She is passionate about helping others see themselves from this multidimensional perspective, helping them see solutions to challenges, expand how they view themselves in their journey and the limitless possibilities available to them at this time. Jill is a motivator like no other. Her access to the higher realms is continuously expanding and her passion is sharing each new aspect of wisdom with others. She shares that her spiritual support team is displayed to her like a sports stadium filled with Ascended Masters, Angelic Ambassadors, Master Teachers and Guides as well as many Ambassadors from various Star systems. To Jill, they feel like family. The wisdom she accesses feels like a highest realm of unity consciousness. In addition, individuated souls also participate in her work including the Souls we know as Mother Mary, Jesus, Thoth, Buddha and Quan Yin. She can be reached at
[email protected].
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