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Psychic, Mediumistic and Miraculous Powers in the Great Wisdom Traditions
Santoshan (Stephen Wollaston) with conversations with Glyn Edwards
Revised Smashwords eBook edition, 2012
Available in most eBook formats (incl. Amazon Kindle)
Words: 34,500 approx
ISBN: 9781465766717
RRP: $4.99 (USD)
Category: Spirituality / World Religions / Psychic Phenomena
An in-depth look at psychic, mediumistic and miraculous powers in the world’s great mystical and wisdom traditions, which reveals key insights into various teachings and practices. Aspects of Yogic, Hindu, Buddhist, Judaic, Sufi, Islamic and Christian spirituality, including miraculous events in the life of Jesus, are covered in four main chapters. The realisation of universal Divine consciousness and its profound implications are also drawn upon, along with various categories of supernormal phenomena that have been documented in both ancient and modern times.
This is a thoroughly revised ebook edition that includes two extensive appendices of questions and answers with the internationally renowned UK medium and former Benedictine monk, Glyn Edwards, in which he eloquently shares some far-reaching thoughts on several interwoven facets of unfoldment. In all, this is an indispensable book on fascinating and important realms of spiritual growth.
“A real gem of a book … Highly recommended.”
“A breath of fresh air.”
“Thought-provoking, with in-depth research by Santoshan and shared personal experience from Glyn Edwards, ‘Realms of Wondrous Gifts’ draws upon ancient and modern teachings from various wisdom traditions and important sources. It is a book that will be of tremendous help to all who wish to deepen their understanding of the powers and the wider implications of spirituality.”
– SWAMI DHARMANANDA SARASWATI, author and yoga master.
“Written with both clarity and insight, this is a rare and enriching book, which integrates the wisdom of many spiritual traditions. Whilst illuminating the need now more than ever before to explore interspirituality, our universal commonality and deeper spiritual nature, it shows the way forward for embracing the Whole.”
– EILEEN DAVIES, international medium and spiritual teacher.
“A nice blend of the scientific, philosophical, Christian and

Santoshan and Glyn Edwards
spiritual views that make it a must read...”
Stephen is a Council member of GreenSpirit, a member of their editorial and publishing team and the designer of GreenSpirit Magazine. He was given the name Santoshan (meaning contentment) by an English swami who trained at the Bihar School of Yoga, and has a creative background as a spiritual writer, graphic designer, artist and musician. He was the bass guitarist of one of London’s first punk rock bands, The Wasps, and is both an author and co-author of several acclaimed books on spiritual matters, including 'Spirituality Unveiled: Awakening to Creative Life' (Earth Books 2011) and 'The House of Wisdom: Yoga Spirituality of the East and West' (Mantra Books 2007). He holds a degree in religious studies and a post graduate certificate in religious education from King’s College London and studied psychosynthesis psychology. He also helped to establish The Gordon Higginson Fellowship ( and coauthored two popular development manuals (‘The Spirit World in Plain English’ and ‘Spirit Gems’) with the renowned UK medium and former Benedictine monk, Glyn Edwards. See SpiritGuides’ articles pages for more details about Santoshan’s books and various articles by him.
Glyn is internationally recognized as one of the UK’s greatest mediums and teachers of spiritual and psychic science. At sixteen he joined a Benedictine community. He later became a protégée of the renowned medium, Gordon Higginson, and cofounded The Gordon Higginson Fellowship ( He is a certificate holder of The Spiritualists’ National Union, has been a regular and highly popular senior course tutor at the esteemed Arthur Findlay College for over three decades and has run workshops and demonstrated his mediumship throughout the world for over 40 years. He has coauthored acclaimed books on mediumship, recorded various teaching CDs and was given the name Devadasa (meaning servant of God) by the UK yoga master, Swami Dharmananda Saraswati Maharaj. He is particularly known for the quality of his teaching and his ability to demonstrate his mediumship almost effortlessly in front of large audiences. An anthology of his wisdom was released in 2012, entitled ‘The Potential of Mediumship: A Collection of Essential Teachings and Exercises ’. See SpiritGuides’ articles pages for more details about book by Glyn.
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