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Experiencing synchronicity is apart of our everyday lives and it is one of the commonest ways in which we interact with Spirit.
Synchronicity is the flow of two or more causal events in time and the effect those events have on our lives. If translated, it enables us to walk an easier path to our destination – in other words - our destiny.
Working with synchronicity is like having a second language and once you become fluent in it you are able to understand the purpose of life at a level that you were unable to do so before.
Causal events affect us, directly or indirectly when they occur. Whether random or planned, they come in all shapes and sizes, some of which can be seen as ‘mistakes’ and others are due to change brought on by circumstances over and above that which we have control.
However from the perspective of metaphysics, there are not mistakes or co-incidences for that matter, therefore, irrespective of whether causal events are random or planned, everything that happens, does so, for a reason.
As causal events occur, they set off a chain reaction, which itself enables synchronicity to contribute toward creating what I call, an individual’s obvious reality.
On the surface of it, these events don’t appear to be connected and therefore we perceive them as stopping where they started. As a consequence, the purpose and meaning held within the chain reaction and the chain reaction itself remains hidden from us. Hidden that is, until you being to connect the causal events on a conscious level, at which time you start to translate synchronicity.
As you translate, the purpose and meaning is revealed and everything becomes clearer because you are being given all the information, confirmation, inspiration and/or enlightenment that you need to develop a greater understanding of life itself.
This understanding creates a second reality, a hidden reality that runs beneath the first, the obvious one.
As you read this article, you and I are creating a chain of causal events that produce an obvious reality. The first three of these events come in the form of:
• You who are actively reading the article,
• The who has enabled the article to be downloaded onto the site.
• And me, who wrote the article.
For some readers a translation of the ‘obvious’ to the ‘hidden’ may simply be that this isn’t a website that you usually read, but for some reason, today, you are.
Perhaps you were referred to the site or the article by a friend, or the search engine just brought it up, as it does, and it spark of interest. Maybe you visit this site regularly and you’ve been waiting for causality to catch up!
The decision made in the ‘obvious’ reality, led to a further decision in the ‘hidden’ reality, which in turn must be taken back to the ‘obvious’ to continue the chain of events. In this way, the ‘hidden’ reality produces many of the scenarios that we eventually play out in the ‘obvious’ reality, even using them to manufacture the lives we live.
In the hidden reality, your essential action resulted in you being able to receive the information contained within this newspaper on the day you needed to receive it. Hence ether reason why there are no co incidences.
The hidden reality is an integral part of our being, it is connected to our subconscious and our pre subconscious selves, both of which our higher selves use to connect us to the network of human consciousness. When our higher-selves are in control of us in the obvious reality, we tend to appear not to act rationally and this is one of the reasons it is perceived that we make act out of character or make ‘mistakes’.
Which brings us to how do you translate synchronicity? The only thing you need is your mind, an open mind, that is receptive to the principles of anything can happen and all things are possible. Because we are what we think, when you accept that the hidden reality exists, it does. By recognising mistakes and viewing them as an essential action you enter the hidden reality where the chain of the causal events and the consequences of such a chain is revealed, the information contained therein can use to help you life your life.
More information regarding co-incidences and synchronicity can by found in my book Gift - From Spiritual Wealth to Financial Wealth which is available from my website from Amazon or from any good bookshop. You can also click onto to receive further information regarding those psychic abilities that you have already activated together those skills you haven't yet connected to. You will also be given the names of some of those in spiritual that you are interacting with on a daily basis.
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